TO MENU

        The Spanda Monthly Newsletter

        Each month we send out our Newsletter, sharing our thoughts on something topical and announcing any relevant news & events for the coming month.

        In this blog we share Kate & Ava’s words from the thought section of the newsletter!

        If you are not currently receiving our newsletter, you can subscribe here.

        December 2023

        Finding Peace & Joy within

        Over the past few weeks I’ve had the honour of guiding the free Community Meditation on Saturday mornings.
        During these sessions we have started with the HeartMath – Quick Coherence/Lock-in technique to connect us to our hearts and then send love, care and gratitude out to the world.

        It seems essential at present.

        I’ve shared this simple, short and beautiful practice with you – to connect both to your own heart, and to others, with love at this time. Steps listed at the bottom of the newsletter. 💗

        Ava will be guiding this weekend’s Community meditation and Anaid will be back the following week. 🥰

        Whilst I’ll be around over Christmas and New Year, I will be supporting Ava on the Denmark Silent Retreat in a couple of weeks (Bliss!). No doubt I’ll have a poem or reflection to share in the January Newsletter… but in the meantime, here’s one that has been resting in my heart lately:

        “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy,
        I woke and I saw that life is all service,
        I served and I saw that service is joy.”
        ~Khalil Gibran

        It is a joy and honour to serve you.
        May Love & Kindness fill your hearts in this season of giving and reflection. x Kate


         ❤ ॐ


        💗 HeartMath – Heart lock-in technique 💗
        1. Bring your awareness to your heartspace (place a hand on your heart)
        2. Start to take longer and slower breaths, through the heartspace.
        3. Recall the feelings of Love, Care or Gratitude you have for a loved one (person, pet or event) – feel it in your heartspace.
        4. Expand that feeling to every cell in your body, filling you with Love.
        5. Progressively allow your heart energy to radiate beyond your body, filling the room, then your town, then your country, then connecting with hearts all over the world as your/our collective hearts bring love, care, joy, gratitude to the world.
        6. Gently return your awareness to your physical body, this time and space.